Species Profile

The wood duck is Pennsylvania’s most brilliantly colored duck. Its scientific name, Aix sponsa, can be loosely translated as “a waterfowl in wedding dress.” This somewhat-secretive bird is home in brushy swamps and bottomland streams surrounded by woodlands. Nicknames include Carolina duck, squealer, summer duck and woodie. Most authorities place the species with the dabbling ducks, a group distinguished by its habit of feeding on and near the surface of shallow waters, rather than diving for food.

The primary range for wood ducks is deciduous forest habitats from the eastern Great Plains east to the Atlantic coast, and from the Northern Great Lakes Region south to the Gulf of Mexico. Most of them winter from the Carolinas south to the Gulf and west to eastern Texas. A small population of wood ducks also inhabits the Pacific Northwest. In Pennsylvania, woodies are common migrants in March and April; summer breeding residents; common migrants in September, October, and early November; and occasional winter residents in the southeast and southwest corners of the state.

Wood Duck
Wood Duck