Night-herons are very social; they nest in colonies and usually forage together. As their name suggests, night-herons are chiefly nocturnal and crepuscular in habit (that is, they are active at night or at dawn and dusk). They build simple stick nests in trees near where they hunt for food in shallow waters, opportunistically searching for a wide variety of prey items. If free of predators or human interference, they can maintain a colony for decades. They may not use a nest every year, but they may return to old nests after an extended absence. Night-herons are opportunistic predators, foraging for foods such as small fishes, crustaceans such as crayfish, insect larvae, leeches, mussels, mice, small birds, reptiles and amphibians, various plant materials, and carrion. Like most herons, black-crowned night-herons will take advantage of fish and crayfish hatcheries for food. Its high level on the food chain, colonial nesting, and wide distribution through-out its range make this species a good indicator of environmental quality and vulnerable to environmental contaminants.
Nesting can occur early in Pennsylvania (March-April) and continue through June or July, particularly if bad weather caused an early nest to fail. Black-crowned night-heron clutches throughout North America average 3-5 eggs (range 1-7) and are greenish in color (Davis 1993). Adults share the 24- to 26-day incubation period, sometimes fighting over trading incubation duties. They also share responsibilities of raising the chicks to fledging, six to seven weeks after hatching. Because the parents do not recognize their own chicks for a couple of months, juveniles can abandon the nest and continue to beg for food from any adult black-crowned night-heron in the colony. Juveniles will ultimately leave nesting areas with adults to travel to foraging areas. This dispersal following the breeding season allows for early morning or evening viewing opportunities along streams, lakes or ponds. By mid-September, birds travel to their southern wintering areas along the eastern and Gulf coasts of the United States and into Central America. Wintering birds have been observed at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge (Philadelphia, PA) in small numbers (see McWilliams and Brauning 2000 for other locales).